Ripple Reset LLC

A while back, we sat down with Hannah Ripple Ricks of Ripple Reset LLC. Her wellness practice is downtown, located within Innovative Chiropractic's offices -- on the garden level of 201 East Ave, Red Wing (the big brick building on the corner of East Ave & Main St.) Hannah is an advanced practitioner of QNRT™.

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT)™ is a protocol that works with the nervous system to shift the brain's response to emotional stress and trauma. Long-term, generational, and ongoing experiences and emotions sit within our bodies.

Sitting with Hannah, you become keenly aware of her gift to provide a safe environment for healing. She has her associate's degree in nursing, a Bachelor's degree in English Language Learner Studies, and is a licensed practitioner of QNRT. She has the drive to learn new skills which will allow her to help more people, which is why she is pursuing her master's degree in Counseling Psychology, which puts her on track to becoming a licensed therapist as well.

Hannah shares this, "So many of my clients when they start QNRT are so very hard on themselves. Negative self-talk, second-guessing, over-analyzing, or a disconnect from self. That inner unease comes out sideways onto other people, though many tend to be harder on themselves than others.

When I was first introduced to QNRT, I was taking baby steps in trying to know myself. I had spent my whole life trying to meet other people's expectations. I was bubbly around other people but didn’t like sitting with myself.

It took a major shakeup for me to recognize what was happening and make needed changes.

QNRT was instrumental in helping me change negative patterns. I like myself now. I like being with myself now. And I love helping people improve their relationships with themselves.

You are enough. Right now. Just how you are.

You are deserving of acceptance and care.

I will quite literally cheer for you when your head & heart agree on those truths and you feel your ‘enoughness’ yourself."

We thank Ripple Reset for being a Downtown Main Street Partner and providing such a valuable service to our community.

If you are ready to get started on that work, schedule an intro session on her website


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